Past Events by Year: Lindsay Richards an experienced NZ investor tried his hand at investing in the USA, come and hear his story and avoid the mistakes that tripped him up. Join us to hear Justin Mikkelsen speak about the benefit and practicalities of relocating buildings in Rotorua. A short AGM will be held before this along with an upmarket BBQ. With elections looming we have part two of our political series meeting with our politicians. With elections looming we begin our two part series of meeting with our politicians 6.15pm Drinks, sausage sizzle and catch up Come and get some valuable advice on those pesky little propery problems, there will be food,refreshments, heaps of prizes and plenty of companies there to offer you help. Tony Bradley, well known developer in the area will join us and speak about property development in the Rotorua area. Maree Tassell will speak about her experience as a novice investor and how you can avoid the pitfalls of property investment. Join us for drinks and a sausage sizzle,network with fellow investors.
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