Rotorua Property Investors' Association

021 122 8895


Welcome to the Rotorua Property Association. We are a group of like-minded people who are enthusiastic about investing in residential and commercial property.

Whether you are a seasoned investor with an established portfolio, or just thinking about your first investment, the Rotorua Property Investors Association is an easy, fun, way to meet like-minded and experienced people to share valuable market and property information.

We usually meet every second Tuesday of the month and listen to a range of informative speaker. By joining the Rotorua Property Investors Association you have access great deals that can help you lower the costs of owning property.

And most importantly you get to meet people like you who might be actively investing in real estate or want to become investors in the future.

Our association is a not for profit organisation so all the money we raise is used to benefit our members. YOU !

What's more, once you've paid your membership, each month you will receive a copy of the New Zealand Property Investor magazine for FREE (12 issues worth $102.00). That and the other great deals available to members alone will pay for your annual subscription.

Still not convinced? Check out all the great deals and benefits on this website You can also find out where and when our next meeting will be and who the speaker is going to be.

Need more convincing? Then come along to a meeting and pay the door charge which we will refund to you should you join us the same night. Meet our members, mingle over a drink and listen to some great speakers. Be inspired, entertained and informed on what is happening in the real estate world.

We look forward seeing you at our meetings.

Sally Copeland 

President of RPIA


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