Rotorua Property Investors' Association

021 122 8895

Bryce Holdaway  was the keynote speaker and made two presentations during the 2018 Conference. Bryce has made property his career, writing a best selling book and as a partner of Empower Wealth among other things.

Building a portfolio can be seen here

Propery Investment formulae can be seen here




Hayden Cawte did a presentation about historic buildings. Hayden's company, New Zealand Heritage Properties, specialises in areas such as archaeological and heritage consulting services.

View his presentation here.





Andrew King, Excutive Officer of the NZPIF, updated members about the many issues facing landlords at the moment.

His presentation can be found here.



Nick Hamliin spoke on Saturday afternoon. Nick is the Southern GM of Arrow International, a privately owned company aiming to be the most outstanding company in the history of the New Zealand construction industry.

His presentation can be found here.





Dean Hall of RochetWerkz was the final speaker on Sunday. Dean Hall created the wildly successful mod DayZ and turned it into one of the world's best selling PC games of 2014.

His presentation can be found here.



Tony Mounce Mortgages and Insurance was the

Principal Sponsor of the 2018 NZPIF Conference. His presentation is here.





Ben Mc Cormack and Jono Bredin of PKF gave a presentation on ring-fencing of rental losses.  This can be seen here. If you want to be kept up to date with any developments as this legislation progresses, please email so your name is added to a targeted mailing list.




Sharon Cullwick, President of NZPIF, presented this report at the 2018 AGM

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