Rotorua Property Investors' Association

021 122 8895


The 2021 NZPIF AGM was held on Zoom on Friday 15 October 2021

You can watch a video of the meeting here


  • President's presentation.

           Andrew King covered the following points in his presentation

  • Thanks to Wellington Conference committee for all their hard work and everyone is disappointed that the Conference had to be cancelled for a second year,
  • Congratulations to Wellington and Capital PIA for achieving amalgamation.
  • The 2021 Communication Meeting with input from GoodSense Marketing
  • Education Program
  • Bunnings, Initio and First Lane have provided a good level of rebates which has been shared with PIAs
  • A 2021 edition of the NZPIF Overview magazine has been published as a marketing tool
  • Success of the online tenancy agreement which is available for members. The next addition is a property inspection app. The aim is to increase the value proposition for members to not only encourage people to join but to remain members
  • Treasurer's report

              See the slides in the video

  • Executive Officer's report

             You can read this here

  • Communication Officer's report 

               You can read this here

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