Rotorua Property Investors' Association

021 122 8895

The New Zealand Property Investors Federation (NZPIF) is the umbrella organisation that advocates on behalf of our affliliated Property Investor Associations throughout New Zealand.

Founded to provide a unified voice for property investors, the NZPIF strives to elevate industry standards, foster ethical practices, and advocate for policies that positively impact owners and tenants alike.

At the core of the NZPIF's mission is the commitment to advocate, support, and educate property investors across New Zealand. We aim to:

  1. Advocate for Fair Policies: NZPIF actively engages with government bodies to influence policy and regulations concerning residential property investment. Through lobbying efforts and media engagement, we ensure that the interests of property investors are represented at the highest levels of decision-making.

  2. Education: We believe in the power of knowledge to drive success. Through our online Rentskils educational program, local Association events, our annual national Conference the NZPIF equips its members with the tools and insights necessary to navigate the complexities of the rental market. Our goal is to empower investors to make informed decisions and achieve long-term profitability.

  3. Savings and Benefits: NZPIF negotiates exclusive discounts and benefits for its members, covering a range of services and products essential to property investment. These savings not only offset the cost of membership but also enable members to provide quality housing while maintaining profitability. 

  4. Setting Industry Standards: We are committed to promoting ethical behaviour and professionalism within the property investment industry. Our Code of Ethics serves as a guiding framework for members, inspiring high standards of conduct and integrity in all business dealings

Through these initiatives, NZPIF aims to transform the property investment landscape in New Zealand, fostering a community of responsible, informed, and ethical professionals who contribute positively to their communities.

Together, we can create a property investment industry that is financially rewarding, socially responsible, and respected.  

How to Join

For more information on how to become a member, please visit our Join Now page. Join us in shaping the future of property investment in New Zealand!

View the NZPIF Constitution
Visit the Societies Register to view online financial reports.

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