Pitfalls to avoid when investiing in the USALindsay Richards an experienced NZ investor tried his hand at investing in the USA, come and hear his story and avoid the mistakes that tripped him up.14-10-2014 more >> AGM dinner and Relocating BuildingsJoin us to hear Justin Mikkelsen speak about the benefit and practicalities of relocating buildings in Rotorua. A short AGM will be held before this along with an upmarket BBQ.09-09-2014 more >> National Party Policy and housingWith elections looming we have part two of our political series meeting with our politicians. Hon Todd McClay, National MP for Rotorua will join us to talk about National policy and how it will affect our members. If you have any particular questions you would like answered on the night please email info@rpia.org.nz.12-08-2014 more >> Labour Party Policy and HousingWith elections looming we begin our two part series of meeting with our politicians Tamati Coffey, Labour candidate for Rotorua will join us to talk about Labour policy and how it will affect our members. If you have any particular questions you would like answered on the night please email info@rpia.org.nz.08-07-2014 more >> Earthquake Prone Buildings-What you need to know6.15pm Drinks, sausage sizzle and catch up 7pm Speaker- Mike McVicker from Rotorua District Council will advise on upcoming legislation changes that will occur for buildings in the Rotorua area. Saus10-06-2014 more >> Mitre 10 Trade NightCome and get some valuable advice on those pesky little propery problems, there will be food,refreshments, heaps of prizes and plenty of companies there to offer you help. Noovera……..showers ,vanities , Stewart Scott………kitchen manufacturers .both flat pack and specially made 3M….flashing tapes etc Gib……how to etc Holdfast ….specials sealants for those home jobs etc…… Dewault for the boys …power tools …etc Steel and tube…. Roofing etc Total doors systems…pre hung doors and any special size doors.. Just a few of the companies that will be there to help.13-05-2014 more >> Property Development in RotoruaTony Bradley, well known developer in the area will join us and speak about property development in the Rotorua area. You can pick up hints and tips about development from a successful expert. Usual networking with refreshments begin at 6.30pm with speaker at 7pm.08-04-2014 more >> "My Highs and Lows in the Rotorua Market and what I've learnedMaree Tassell will speak about her experience as a novice investor and how you can avoid the pitfalls of property investment. Join us at 6.30pm for refreshments, sausage sizzle and camaraderie11-03-2014 more >> The New Rotorua-a vision for the futureJoin us for drinks and a sausage sizzle,network with fellow investors. The new mayor,Steve Chadwick,(or her representative) will talk to us about the new vision for Rotorua's future and how investors can help.11-02-2014 more >> Partnerships for ChangePartnerships for Change How can we help? 6.15pm Sausage sizzle & networking 7pm Speakers: Mayor Steve Chadwick "Partnerships for Change-A new vision for Rotorua City Mike Steiner-" Inner City Focus" We look forward to seeing you there.11-02-2014 more >>
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