Rotorua Property Investors' Association

021 122 8895

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Archive: 2018


Join us for our Christmas function to celebrate the end of the year and new beginnings
11-12-2018 more >>

Why a Tiny House is a fantastic investment!

PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE What is a Tiny House? Rules around them and why they are so popular with all ages. Rotorua case study; the process, costings and the return on investment.
13-11-2018 more >>

Rotorua Property Investors Association AGM meeting

After a short AGM we will be joined by Andrew King who will discuss the proposed changes to the Residential Tenancy Act that will affect all landlords
02-10-2018 more >>


Did you know that you can have 😎 in your email subject line? Test carefully, they don't look the same in every email reader but they're a way to make your emails stand out. Here's some to try out ❤ 📌 🎁 🎄 ❄ 🚘 🎉 🔥 🔴 🤔 ⏳ and here's a site to copy and paste from:
29-06-2018 more >>

Reports and Downloads

You can now delete items from your Reports and Downloads list.
27-06-2018 more >>

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