AGM & Tenancy Compliance & Investigation Team After a short AGM Paul Davis
Tenancy Compliance & Investigation Team, MBIE
Will talk about this new unit and how to avoid fall foul of the law when managing your rentals. 10-09-2019 more >>
What's holding you back? Ruth Christie form Transformance Ltd will talk about setting goals, mindset, self-belief, overcoming negative self-talk, understanding yourself and leadership 12-08-2019 more >>
Sorting out your finances Our Principal Sponsors BNZ will discuss how best to get more money to invest. How to finance your first or 20th property.
There will also be updates on the changes to lending in NZ 11-06-2019 more >>
Crowd Funding Jim Janse from The Property Crowd will show us a new way to invest in residential real estate in New Zealand using crowd funding. 14-05-2019 more >>
Negotiating the changes in the Rotorua property landscape-Open Forum Negotiating the changes in the Rotorua property landscape
With the proposed changes to legislation along with BOP Regional Council changes in rules regarding air quality it's time for an update from the experts and hear the thoughts from other landlords.
Rotorua Heating Solutions- heat pumps or wood burners?
Peter Lewis- NZPIF update 09-04-2019 more >>
How to build wealth in any market Nick Gentle- Investor
How he built wealth in New Zealand even though he was domiciled in Japan. Creating 2million dollars in equity and $100,000pa in passive cashflow.
Also join us for one of our fantastic summers BBQ's 12-03-2019 more >>
How to make managing your rentals easier MyRent will be coming to speak about how you man manage your tenants and their rent payments while lounging at some luxury resort!
If this sounds like something of interest come along and hear how to do it. 12-02-2019 more >>
CHRISTMAS FUNCTION Join us for our Christmas function to celebrate the end of the year and new beginnings 11-12-2018 more >>
Why a Tiny House is a fantastic investment! PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF VENUE
What is a Tiny House?
Rules around them and why they are so popular with all ages.
Rotorua case study; the process, costings and the return on investment. 13-11-2018 more >>
Property Karaoke Join us for drinks and refreshments and hear entertaining anecdotes about how to make money and avoid the pitfalls of investing
Non members: $20 11-04-2017 more >>