?> What's holding you back? :: Rotorua Property Investors' Association

Rotorua Property Investors' Association

021 122 8895


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What's holding you back?

Aug 12, 2019 - 6.30pm

  BNZ Partners Centre
Amohia Street

What I do:

Leadership and personal development coaching


Why it's relevant to property investors:

My coaching helps high performers to flourish. Even the most successful people can inadvertently hold themselves back, and a success mindset is essential whatever your life and career desires are.


As a certified professional coach, I help people gain fresh perspectives to expand their thinking, better understand themselves and accelerate action and change. This means they can overcome fears and limiting beliefs, gain confidence in their decision-making and take action to achieve their ultimate goals and desires.


Who is this ideally suited for?:

From a property investment perspective, I can work with people to get greater clarity on their vision, purpose and why for property investing. We can explore fears and concerns that might hold them back from making investment-related decisions (such as exploring their relationship with money, time or risk). I help people set really exciting and visually compelling goals and take action to achieve them, and I help them stay accountable.


From a broader life/career perspective, I support people who are looking to make positive change. I'm passionate about helping people gain the clarity and confidence they need to make the changes they desire. Whether it's figuring out what they love to do, becoming more impactful in the work they already do or changing direction completely, my coaching can help.


I design and deliver leadership development programmes for organisations to support leaders better understand themselves and their leadership brand/impact so they can confidently lead others to be their best.


Why work with me?

I have more than 20 years' international experience in people-related roles, working on leadership and change. I have several coaching certifications and am an International Coach Federation certified coach. I use a range of solution-focused, cognitive-behavioural coaching techniques combined with applied neuroscience and positive psychology strategies to help people succeed. As a property investor myself, I understand the highs and lows of investing, and I've made a number of significant life changes (including starting my own successful business) so am well positioned to understand the challenges faced when making change. Most of all, I absolutely love what I do and am driven to help as many people as possible be successful on their terms.

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