Commercial Investing -The speakers will be Dirk Stahlhut from Prendos, Robert Meet a current member of Rotorua PIA and Gordon Lambeth a member of the NZPIF Executive Committee.09-11-2021 more >> AGMGordon Lambeth NZPIF Northern Region representative will discuss his Commercial Property journey, complete with the pitfalls to avoid. Covid Permiting12-10-2021 more >> A renovation information evening with Bunnings, Daich Coatings, Old to New Stainless and Carpet CourtA renovation information evening with Bunnings, Daich Coatings, Old to New Stainless and Carpet Court13-07-2021 more >> Renovation projects - Speaker Dave Gray from 7D ArchitectureDave Gray will talk about the rules to consider when embarking on a renovation project11-05-2021 more >> Taxing changes to Rental ReturnsThere has been many changes to the tax treatment of residential rental properties over the past few years. With the introduction of the Brightline test, ring fencing of rental losses and changes to asset thresholds (as a result of Covid tax softening) the rules can seem ever more complicated. Alex, of Pearce & Co Chartered Accountants will provide a recap of the recent changes and pitfalls & opportunities to look out for. Questions and comments are welcome throughout – please note no specific tax advice can be issued during the evening.13-04-2021 more >> Funding Your Next InvestmentDavid Windler from Mortgage Supply will be discussing ways to avoid pitfalls in obtaining your next loan. He will offer best ways to maximize your credit potential. We will discuss the best ways to structure your loan, get your pre-approval and be ready to purchase in this hot market.09-03-2021 more >> World Famous Bus TripAnnual bus trip around a variety of properties under going development by our members as well as fascinating insights into changes in Rotorua's infrastructure. Dinner - Fish and Chips afterwards - weather permitting Bus departs - 6pm Sharp Reservations essential - $10 members - $30 non members09-02-2021 more >>
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