Rotorua Property Investors' Association

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December '09 Issue

We bring you a NZ Property Investor exclusive report looking at the top 50 areas showing the most growth since the bottom of the downturn and take an in-depth look at the top 15 areas for volatility and other common trends.

What's the state of the coast after the property storm? We update you on what's been happening and where to find potential bargains.

So you're a property investor. But what else is out there in terms of potential for growing your wealth? We look at alternative investment strategies.

Mark Trafford looks at maintenance issues to be addressed around the Christmas and holiday season.

Our profile this month Aaron Power has carved a niche for himself in the property game. As an investor with a clear strategy and builder by trade, he's also developed an unusual business on the side.

Michael Yardney explains how to overcome your fears and turn them to your advantage

Also in the December 2009 issue: 

  • News: Auckland residential rents start to rise; Celebrating the tenant-landlord relationship; Tread carefully with rent to buy schemes; Number of LAQCs dropping  
  • Commercial news: What have commercial rents been doing over the past 12 months?  
  • Diary: What's on for property investors this month? Find out where the hottest events are happening around the country  
  • Mortgage commentary: The rules of engagement are changing how the mortgage game is played. Are you up to speed?
  • Housing commentary: Is the housing market starting to boom again, or is there just a "short squeeze" on house prices?
  • Ask an expert: What tax implications are there in a lease-to-buy agreement on bare land
    and is now a good time to get rid of the ‘mistake' properties? 
  • Columns:
    • Accounting: Mark Withers answers questions on the newly updated associated persons rules
    • Mortgages: What's going on inside the intricate heads of lenders? Jonathan Michell finds out what current attitudes towards investors are
    • Economics: Back to the future - Khoon Goh looks back on his predictions for 2009
    • Property conveyancing: Kim Matheson looks into the world of electronic conveyancing and why it is the way of the future
    • Valuation: Why do valuations tend to fluctuate so much? Rene McLean explains why it's not all just a difference of opinion
    • Commercial: Mahesh Ranchhod talks finance for commercial property in current conditions
  • NZPIF: News and events from around the region, plus re-capping the IPMA conference weekend
  • Regional review: We take a look at the Waipa District's two biggest towns, Cambridge and Te Awamutu as potential spots for investors to sink their money, and why the district truly is "the home of champions"
  • Books: The top 10 selling tools for property investors of 2009. Are you in the know?

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