Rotorua Property Investors' Association

021 122 8895

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Sharesies with Beersies

Rotorua PIA invites current, past and future property investors to an evening at the Pig and Whistle to 'Sharesies with Beersies'.

Come along and enjoy a fun night networking, chatting and learning about other investor experiences through a 'speed dating' style (brief) question and answer conversation!!

Location: The Pig and Whistle, 1182 Tutaneka
i Street
DATE: TUESDAY 14th March.

Please register via the below eventbrite link (both members and non members);

6.00PM Networking / Free Drink on Entry

6.30PM Sharesies with Beeries Starts.. .

This is a fun evening with a focus on networking and having a laugh and learning what other investors get up to. This will be run in a speed 'dating' style with 5min before swapping investor partners. There will be cue cards in case you get shy or stuck for conversation

Get a FREE beer or wine on entry!!

Non Members (first time intro offer) - Complimentary Entry

Returning visitors - $20

Meet before and afterward to chat to fellow investors and network.



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